Best Piano Movers Singapore


Last Updated on 12/02/2024 by Singapore You

The Benefits of Hiring Piano Movers Singapore

Product Knowledge

The piano movers in Singapore know pianos. They know how to handle the pianos by size, type – and definitely how they all should be moved to another location or position. Pianos are heavy and very delicate – it takes knowledge of handling the piano to work on moving it. We may think pianos are all the same, but they are not.

There are upright pianos, grand pianos, and digital pianos – and, they all need proper handling and care. Hiring piano movers in Singapore will give you an assurance of proper handling and relocation of the piano.

Piano Exterior Safety

Piano owners would not own amazingly expensive pianos if they did not love them. It is essentially important that the piano is given good care – especially the exterior. 

Hiring piano movers in Singapore is one of the best ideas because they have the tools, the equipment and the knowledge to have the piano relocated or moved without compromising it. It is especially important to them that not even a scratch is done to the piano.

Piano Interior Safety

The interior of any piano is very delicate, and also very vulnerable. It is important to remember that even a strong swing or the most gentle bump can damage something. Once the piano is damaged, it may never play the same again.

Especially if the piano and pretty old, it is very fragile. So, utmost care is needed in handling it. Piano interior safety is very important in so many aspects – moving or relocating, cleaning, tuning, and handling. Piano movers in Singapore, and piano technicians, are required in these situations the most.

What You Should Know in Hiring Piano Movers Singapore

Piano movers in Singapore may have different rates. The rates would entirely depend on the required time and load for the job. Some piano movers may charge per hour or per day. It would be best to ask for a quotation from the piano movers.

Always seek recommendations. People will always be honest about the services they receive, so make sure you do analyze the opinions carefully before hiring the service providers you require.

Hit up the reviews page for the best piano movers in Singapore. This is the best way to check for people who have tried the services upfront. Honest reviews are always in the low-rated reviews. The reviews would indicate how piano movers in Singapore handled the job on their end and how the overall services were delivered.

piano movers singapore
Image From Julian Scagliola

Here are some of the Best Piano Movers In Singapore

The Happy Pianist

piano movers singapore

Website | +65 9112 7056

The Happy Pianist are experts in handling the challenges of moving, relocating and safety control of pianos. They are great at providing the conveniences of piano moving, especially when it comes to small and narrow pathways. They would be great at handling the carrying of pianos up or down the staircase. They work to provide quality administration of piano transport and moving.

Jie Transport Service

piano movers singapore

Website | +65 8202 4062

Jie Transport Service is one of the most promising piano movers in Singapore because of their love for music and pianos. They know how to handle their tasks and have always been reliable since their opening. They work with quality, efficiency and professionalism. They also render services for piano storage, tuning, disposal and rental.

Piano Movers Singapore

piano movers singapore

Website | +65 9452 6388

Piano Movers Singapore are one of the best and most experienced piano movers since the year 1998. They have tackled almost all the obstacles of handling a piano, moving a piano or relocating a piano. They also have the knowledge to deserve their name Piano Movers Singapore. They are piano lovers that have rendered services for many clients throughout the years, all with recommendations and awesome reviews!